Sunday, November 13, 2011

Twitter stats for summer 2011: popular users and hashtags

Twitter stats for summer 2011: popular users and hashtags
Posted on November 12, 2011 by tokyograph

Twitter Japan’s official blog revealed some statistics about its users and hashtags for the three-month period between July and September of this year, including information about which celebrities gained the most followers during that time.

Among the celebrities, actor Tanabe Seiichi had the largest increase in followers. With his unique illustrations and tweets, his account has greatly grown in popularity and is currently at almost 338,000 followers at the time of this writing.

Within the top 10, there are three AKB48 members: Shinoda Mariko at #2, Kojima Haruna at #6, and Itano Tomomi at #10.

The users with the largest increase of followers during that time span:

1. Tanabe Seiichi (actor) @tanabe1969
2. Shinoda Mariko (AKB48) @mariko_dayo
3. Becky (talento) @Becky_bekiko
4. Yoshitaka Yuriko (actress) @ystk_yrk
5. Ariyoshi Hiroiki (comedian) @ariyoshihiroiki
6. Kojima Haruna (AKB48) @kojiharunyan
7. Masayoshi Son (Softbank Corp. CEO) @masason
8. Gekidan Hitori (comedian) @GekidanHitori
9. Fujimori Shingo (Oriental Radio) @chara317megane
10. Itano Tomomi (AKB48) @tomo_coco73
11. GACKT (singer) @GACKT
12. Hamasaki Ayumi (singer) @ayu_19980408
13. Jang Wooyoung (2PM) @0430yes
14. Yu Darvish (baseball player) @faridyu
15. Nishikawa Takanori (T.M.Revolution) @TMR15
16. Miyasako Hiroyuki (Ameagari Kesshitai) @motohage
17. Ototake Hirotada (sportswriter) @h_ototake
18. Kevin Woo (U-Kiss) @Kevinwoo91
19. Tamura Atsushi (London Boots 1go 2go) @atsushilonboo
20. Owner of Shunsuke the Pomeranian @keep0109

The top hashtags in Japan:
  1. #nowplaying (music currently being listened to)
  2. #nicovideo (NicoNico Douga video website)
  3. #followmejp (follow request)
  4. #theinterviews ( website)
  5. #sougofollow (reciprocal follow)
  6. #tigerbunny (Tiger & Bunny anime series)
  7. #agqr (Nippon Broadcasting Anime and Game Zone)
  8. #followme (follow request)
  9. #nhk (NHK Broadcasting Station)
  10. #30thou (self-management tool)
  11. #2ch (2ch)
  12. #pixiv (illustration community)
  13. #fujitv (Fuji TV)
  14. #hanshin (Hanshin Tigers)
  15. #genpatsu (nuclear power plant-related)
  16. #followdaibosyu (follow request)
  17. #ohayo (good morning greeting)
  18. #jugem_blog (Jugem blog service)
  19. #ntv (NTV)
  20. #yuruyuri (YuruYuri manga/anime series)
In July, Twitter also started supporting hashtags using Japanese characters. The top hashtags used between then and September were:
  1. #好きな映画の特徴を3つ言って当ててもらう (guess my favorite movie from these 3 characteristics)
  2. #きっとフォロワさんがヒトコト紹介rtしてくれる (followers, please do a brief introduction retweet for me)
  3. #分かる人には懐かしいものを挙げてみる (something nostalgic for those who know it)
  4. #タイトルを100倍にすると盛り上がる (multiplying the title by 100 makes it more fun)
  5. #名を明かさずフォロワーさん紹介 (introduce a follower without revealing their name)
  6. #なでしこ (Nadeshiko Japan, national women’s soccer team)
  7. #ゲームのトラウマ (video game trauma)
  8. #このアニメ知ってる人がrtしてくれる (people who know this anime, retweet)
  9. #その筋の人を確実に怒らせる一言 (phrases that will surely piss off certain people)
  10. #甲子園 (Koshien high school baseball tournament)
  11. #今の小学生は知らない (I don’t understand today’s elementary school students)
  12. #吹奏楽あるある (in the wind instrument club)
  13. #どうしても理解できない (can’t understand no matter what)
  14. #どうでもいい個人情報を晒そう (exposing useless personal info)
  15. #田舎あるある (in the countryside)
  16. #意外と知られてないこと (things I never knew)
  17. #100人がリツイートしてくれたらかなうと信じてる (if 100 people retweet, it will come true)
  18. #名言の文末を過去形にすると深みが増す (change a famous saying to past tense and it becomes deeper)
  19. #名作のタイトルに一文字足すとよく分からなくなる (adding a single character to a famous title makes it completely strange)
  20. #一番信用されなさそうなことを呟いた人が優勝 (the one who tweets the most untrustworthy thing wins)

Source : Tokyograph

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